>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Examination Gloves<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
9” Nitrile Gloves - Powdered. 9” Latex Gloves - Powdered. 9” Nitrile Gloves - Powdered Free. 9” Latex Gloves - Powdered Free. 9” VINYL/PVC Gloves - Powdered Free
9” Nitrile Gloves - Powdered
Type:Powdered and Non-Sterile. Material:Synthetic Nitrile Latex. Features:Ambidextrous; Smooth/Textured Surface. Color:White or Blue. Size:XS, S, M, L, XL. Shelf-life:5 years from the date of manufacturing. Storage:The gloves shall maintain their properties when stored in a dry condition at temperature not higher than 30°C. Protection from unwanted and dangerous substances. Beaded cuff ensures eas donning and prevent roll down. Superior strength with better puncture resistance. Manufactured from 100% nitrile (Acrylonitrile-butadiene). Custom an alternative solution for individuals who are allergic to natural latex.
9” Latex Gloves - Powdered
Type:Powdered and Non-Sterile. Material:Natural High Quality Latex. Features:Smooth or Textured Surface. Color:Natural White. Size:XS, S, M, L, XL. Shelf-life: 5 years from the date of manufacturing. Storage:The gloves shall maintain their properties when stored in a dry condition at temperature not higher than 30°C. Protection from unwanted or dangerous substances. Easy donning and helps prevent roll back. Softness provides superior comfort and natural fit. Beaded cuff makes donning easy. Ambidextrous and straight fingers
9” Nitrile Gloves - Powdered Free
Type:Powdered and Non-Sterile.Material:Synthetic Nitrile Latex. Features:Ambidextrous; Smooth or Textured Surface. Color:White or Blue. Size:XS, S, M, L, XL. Shelf-life:5 years from the date of manufacturing. Storage:The gloves shall maintain their properties when stored in a dry condition at temperature not higher than 30°C. Protection from unwanted and dangerous substances. Beaded cuff ensures easy donning and prevent roll down. Superior strength with better puncture resistance. Manufactured from 100% nitrile (Acrylonitrile-butadiene). Custom an alternative solution for individuals who are allergic to natural latex.
9” Latex Gloves - Powdered Free
Type:Powdered Free and Non-Sterile. Material:Natural High Quality Latex. Features:Smooth or Textured Surface. Color:Natural White. Size:XS, S, M, L, XL. Shelf-life:5 years from the date of manufacturing. Protection from unwanted or dangerous substances. Easy donning and helps prevent roll back. Softness provides superior comfort and natural fit. Beaded cuff makes donning easy. Ambidextrous and straight fingers. Textured surface on palm and fingers provide a better grip. Powder free to eliminate powder-induced irritation and dermatitis to the users. Low level of extractable proteins and chemical residue, hence lower incidences of allergic reactions.
9” VINYL/PVC Gloves - Powdered Free
Type:Powdered and Non-Sterile. Material:Polyvinyl Chloride Paste Resin: FPC DNV2P. Features:Smooth Surface. Powder residue Content <120mg/gloves. Color:Natural White. Size:S, M, L. Shelf-life:5 years from the date of manufacturing. Storage:The gloves shall maintain their properties when stored in a dry condition at temperature not higher than 30°C. Protect gloves against ultra violet light sources such as sunlight and oxidizing agents. Copper ions discolor the gloves. Intrinsic softness reduces hand fatigue even for long hours of wearing these gloves, due to low 100% modulus 25kg/cm² comparing with normal commercial product at 3kg/cm², super flexibility and light weight. Double layers of PVC/PU films to provide double protection. Odor free, results from special formulations. Ease in donning due to the excellent slippery inner surface. In grip from slightly tacky outer surface
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cleanroom Gloves<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Cleanroom 12” Latex Glove Class 100 Cleanroom 9” Nitrile Glove Class 100 Cleanroom 9” Latex Glove Class 100 Cleanroom 12” Nitrile Glove Class 100
Cleanroom 9” Nitrile Glove Class 100
Material:100% Acrylocitrile-Butadiene Latex. Color:White / Blue. Quality/Standard: ASTM D6319-00. Length:Min 240mm/300mm. Size Available:XS, S, M, L, XL. Contamination protection for the semi-conductor, electronic, aerospace and biotech industries. Protection from unwanted and dangerous substances. Softness provides superior comfort and natural fit. Textured surface on palm and fingers helps to provide better grip. Low particulate and extractable ion level. Ambidextrous. Beaded cuff for enhance donning. Fast adapted to hand shape, comfort and durable. Textured surface for better feel and grip. Smooth surface for smooth feeling.
Cleanroom 9” Latex Glove Class 100
Material:100% Natural Rubber Latex. Color:Natural Yellow. Quality Standard: ASTM D3578-05. Length:Min 240mm/300mm. Size Available:XS, S, M, L, XL. Contamination protection for the semi-conductor, electronic, aerospace and biotech industries. Protection from unwanted and dangerous substances. Softness provides superior comfort and natural fit. Textured surface on palm and fingers helps to provide better grip. Low particulate and extractable ion level.
Cleanroom 12” Nitrile Glove Class 100
Material:100% Acrylocitrile-Butadiene Latex. Color:White / Blue. Quality/Standard: ASTM D6319-00. Length Min 240mm/300mm. Size Available XS, S, M, L, XL. Contamination protection for the semi-conductor, electronic, aerospace and biotech industries. Protection from unwanted and dangerous substances. Softness provides superior comfort and natural fit. Textured surface on palm and fingers helps to provide better grip. Low particulate and extractable ion level.
Cleanroom 12” Latex Glove Class 100
Material:100% Natural Rubber Latex. Color:Natural Yellow. Quality Standard:ASTM D3578-05. Length:Min 240mm/300mm. Size Available:XS, S, M, L, XL.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chemical Resistant Gloves<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
35cm/45cm Neoprene Chemical Resistant
Gloves Ansell Flocklined Neoprene Gloves Ansell Barrier Glove NORTH Butyl Dry Box/ Isolator Gloves NORTH Silver Shield Gloves Ansell Scorpio 14" Neoprene
Supported Gloves Ansell Neox 14" Neoprene Coated Gloves NORTH 14" Heavy Duty Butyl Glove Ansell 14" PVA Gloves SHOWA PVC Gloves NORTH 14" Viton Glove